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Walking Partners - Ramesh Uncle

  Hi, N here, yes again ….. Its raining today, so no walking. I know I know you think I must be celebrating. That small joy of pretending “ Oh! Its raining ” while actually being happy to take an off day. But surprisingly its quite the opposite. Am rather bummed that its raining. The time I take for walking is purely my own personal space. I don’t think about anything else other than enjoying those minutes with myself. But more than me, I think Ramesh uncle will be more sad today. I won’t be surprised if he would still go for walking atleast for few minutes in this drizzle. Oh! Don’t look so confused. I will introduce you to Ramesh uncle. Most days when I walk I encounter Ramesh Uncle, we have never talked or communicated with each other in any way. Then how do I know his name? You ask!!! Well, who said I know him personally or know his real name, I have named him Ramesh Uncle because I kinda think that name suits him so well. He is an average height, average late fiftie
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Walking Partners - Couples

  Hi, Am back…. You did not honestly think that because I ended my rant with “I Conclude” that I really – completely – absolutely concluded, Did you? Well good that you didn’t? (we both know you did) Let me start again, Hi… N here again. Was listening to an audio book today, as today was bit lazy day, I was listening to a nice, cute, soft short story. And I was struck by how many couple walkers are there today. Or am dealing with confirmation bias, as I was listening about a couple. Anyhoo… I love to see couple walkers, they seem like they have their life put together. And you can definitely make out the different levels of marriage or relationships they are in by the way they walk. Oh! before I continue, let me be honest – “Me” that is - yours truly N and my loved one C are couple walkers. But you will never know that because we walk in opposite directions. Its true, when we started walking we were like any other couple, you know walking together, pointing out cute th

Walking Partners - 1

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