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Walking Partners - Couples



Am back…. You did not honestly think that because I ended my rant with “I Conclude” that I really – completely – absolutely concluded, Did you?

Well good that you didn’t? (we both know you did)

Let me start again,

Hi… N here again.

Was listening to an audio book today, as today was bit lazy day, I was listening to a nice, cute, soft short story. And I was struck by how many couple walkers are there today. Or am dealing with confirmation bias, as I was listening about a couple.

Anyhoo… I love to see couple walkers, they seem like they have their life put together. And you can definitely make out the different levels of marriage or relationships they are in by the way they walk.

Oh! before I continue, let me be honest – “Me” that is - yours truly N and my loved one C are couple walkers. But you will never know that because we walk in opposite directions.

Its true, when we started walking we were like any other couple, you know walking together, pointing out cute things to each other, smiling at each other.. the normal sugar dipped candy sweet couple walking. Then we figured out that we always had one earphone in the ear and other hanging out - only mine hanging out, his other earbud will be in his pocket, because he has perfect ears for airpods style, which am quite jealous of but he doesn’t know it because I don’t want him to know am jealous – so that we can listen to whatever is blaring out of our phones along with each other’s words.

 But pretty soon we figured out that this doesn’t work out, we really wanted our space and music which matches our strides and time. We are so different from each other that it wont match. We are childhood buddies and early bird sweethearts, so we could be honest with each other. So whenever we are walking together, the togetherness is till the entrance of the walking trail, and then we just pick opposite routes, so that we can bump into each other atleast twice in a single walk around the lake.

C – walks very fast, he is a train walker, he will have a time and destination in mind and he focuses all his energy on meeting it. While I – well you already know me.

But I do envy the couples who walk together, they have the same speed, same strides and they sometimes even match the rhythm of each other – Amazing. They are definitely enviable couple; they are sorted out. I bet they have their finances and future planned out; kids are already on right career paths. Both have same ice cream choices and attend all the family functions. Am quite sure they are the “Happening” couple among friends and they love the same kind of movies and music. They have a proper early morning coffee routine and they read before bed. And yes of course they have a proper bed time.

Hmm… nice to see sorted out couples, jealous but nice.

Then there are those young, cute, adorable couples. Looks like they started their walking routine, because she believes that too cute and determined to have a cute couple routine she loved reading in stories. And he is just indulging her, because... well hello, he loves her and he has been taught by her that indulging in each other’s wishes is paramount in expression of love.

They don’t really walk, they kinda stroll, all cute in matching colours, teasing each other and what not. Its too sweet… this writer is not very comfortable with too sweet. But its adorable, and am not going to be the one to burst their sweet bubble.

Oh... and then there are those couple, who are not sure why they are walking together, the guy always seems to want to join his friends and the lady always wants to finish walking faster. I always imagine that, they started walking together but they realized they are not good walking partners, but they don’t want to tell each other that, because then it would seem that they are being rude. The man definitely has made a bunch of friends with regulars and loves to indulge, but the lady wants to finish fast because she can’t stop thinking about the dishes left to wash in the sink.

Amongst all these there my favourite kind. The Couple Goal pair, they are elderly, they basically come to stroll and stretch their knees, but mostly they sit together and gossip. Like full on – melt your brain – jaw on the floor – gossip. And they have this small smile of contentment. They just have reached the bliss of enjoying each other’s company. I want grow to be that with C. Well, of course even in that age, he might just sit with me after his train walk. But still, that would be the ultimate happiness.

Well, I will leave you with that thought and picture in your mind for now. Catch up soon.









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