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Walking Partners - Ramesh Uncle


N here, yes again …..

Its raining today, so no walking. I know I know you think I must be celebrating. That small joy of pretending “Oh! Its raining” while actually being happy to take an off day. But surprisingly its quite the opposite. Am rather bummed that its raining. The time I take for walking is purely my own personal space. I don’t think about anything else other than enjoying those minutes with myself.

But more than me, I think Ramesh uncle will be more sad today. I won’t be surprised if he would still go for walking atleast for few minutes in this drizzle.

Oh! Don’t look so confused. I will introduce you to Ramesh uncle. Most days when I walk I encounter Ramesh Uncle, we have never talked or communicated with each other in any way.

Then how do I know his name? You ask!!!

Well, who said I know him personally or know his real name, I have named him Ramesh Uncle because I kinda think that name suits him so well.

He is an average height, average late fifties Indian Male. Always wears a striped T-shirt and track pants. Has these bright blue shoes, balding head, port belly and slightly puffy face. Now tell me Ramesh uncle name doesn’t suit him??

He generally walks in my direction so I have had the privilege to observe him quite some times. What snagged my attention I imagine he has a talent of combating his boredom before it becomes an issue, because he has a proper routine for his walk.

He has a normal walking speed, neither too fast nor too slow. There is small temple which is right next to the path and quite visible. He takes a break from his walk at the temple, to pray. He seems to be a regular visitor from a long time, as he has few friends whom he acknowledges on the way. And right at the end of his walk, before leaving the path he sits down on the bench near to the gate, and just when he is about to leave he collects a bunch of “Doorve” (grass which is generally used to pray for Lord Ganapati) and he walks out. I have never seen him doing more than two rounds.

How do I know so much?

This observation is not from a single encounter, this is the result of observing him for a many days at different parts of his routine.

Whenever I see him, in my imagination -  he is a retired government employee, so early morning rush is not a part of his life. He does elaborate pooja, has a traditional wife who keeps his filter coffee ready by the time he returns from walk. (You know the one like in the old movies, who takes a head bath and do the Tulasi pooje everyday).

He still reads morning newspaper - with his reading glasses ofcourse and likes his uppittu. He has a boisterous laugh and is king of PJ’s. Will see Soap Operas and News channels. He definitely dozes off in front of the TV on Sunday Midmorning. Has a very specific set of likes and dislikes. He seems like the kind of dad who is always called upon by mom to scold and discipline the children. And definitely likes Raj Kumar (his mustache says so). Likes to stand in front of the mirror and admire himself. Loves to be praised and acknowledged all the time. And expects people around him to ask his expert opinion on everything before taking any decision.

Am I being too stereotypical??? Maybe, maybe not…. Don’t we all get type casted by everyone who observes us? OK lets not go to the philosophical questions for now.

Whenever I see Ramesh uncle is about to leave the trail with a bunch of doorve in his hand and checking the time in his metal strapped Titan watch, maybe gifted as a retirement gift. I smile thinking, the hot filter coffee and newspaper waiting for him at home and contented sigh which might escape when he sits down on his favourite chair with them. (Oh! Yes, he definitely has a favourite chair).

With that thought, I bid you a drizzly but cozy day….and I solemnly swear to just imagine a life for Ramesh Uncle without judging him based on just morning observations. Kudos






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