S he opened her eyes, like awakening from an trance, saw the white ceiling of her room, the brown fan revolving and with it her mind also turned and twirled. She glanced the room around her, her room, every piece of furniture, every article in that room was chosen by her personally, this is her haven. She created it, designed it, lived in it. She glanced at her side table and saw the rows of medicines over there. She didnt choose those. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to control her tears from spilling out. But what about the memories. She cant shut them out, they repeat themselves, as they have repeated in her mind from last 5 days. She remembered the day very well, like a vivid dream. The day which shattered her dreams, the day which shattered her hopes, the day which shattered her future. From childhood she had always been a healthy person, nothing out of ordinary, always active, never a coach potato. She had been a good daughter, good student,...
There is story in every one of us. A touch of madness which drives us. My thoughts may be random. But I thrive in my madness :)